How to behave during and after an accident
Every Europcar vehicle hire starts with a rental agreement, where you can choose between several protection packages. With your signature, the rental agreement becomes effective and you also accept the General Terms and Conditions, including Annex 1 of Europcar Austria in the version valid at the time of renting.
If you have an accident with a Europcar vehicle or notice damage, please follow these steps:
STOP: Stop the vehicle and turn on the hazard warning lights.
WARNING VEST: Immediately after the safety vest after an accident.

Place a breakdown triangle

Help injured persons and alert rescue workers
Use the Roadside Assistance
- The Europcar Roadside Assistance, which you can book as an extra, can be reached around the clock so that you can get back on the road as soon as possible. You will be asked by telephone for the unit number which you will find on the vehicle documents and the key fob.
- Use the service and call the Service Hotline on +43 (0)1 263 22 08 (reachable domestic and abroad).

Accident report and report.
- In the event of a claim, fill the European accident report. This is enclosed with the vehicle portfolio. The form must be signed by all parties involved.
- If, in the event of an adversary's fault, you are unable to prove this due to missing or incomplete data, you are liable to Europcar to the extent of the completed protection package (otherwise set-off of the corresponding deductible).
- In the event of an accident, you must also contact the police and send a police report to Europcar. In the event of the theft of the vehicle, you are obliged to hand over a copy of the complaint to Europcar without delay, together with the vehicle keys and the vehicle documents, if these were not stolen as well. A possible resulting blue light tax will be refunded by Europcar.
- After the incident, you must immediately contact Europcar. Europcar can be informed by email at or by the delivery at the rental station - this must be done within two working days.
- If you are unable to bring in the documentation relevant to the claim despite several demonstrable requests, it is not possible to appeal for the liability reduction.
- This also applies to self-inflicted accidents without the participation of third parties.
- Opposing claims may not be recognized.
Customer Info
Lessee's return of vehicle during Europcar's opening hours:
- Europcar will check the damage with you
- You are requested to bring in the documents relevant to the damage. You sign at the check-in box of the rental agreement.
- Creation of a common withdrawal protocol
Returns out of Europcar's opening hours:
- Europcar will notify you immediately after the damage has been determined. Europcar will contact you in written form or by phone and if necessary Europcar leaves a message on your mobile box.

In order to create accident reports and make the implementation of the compensation rights easier it is recommended to take pictures of the situation after the collision. This includes skid marks, motor vehicle losses and contact marks. Take care to include landmarks like manholes, telephone masts, traffic signs and kilometer points as well, as to provide points of reference. It is also of help to draw a sketch of the accident site.
Further procedure at Europcar
- We receive your information
- Europcar photographs the damage
- We document the information in our damage database
- Europcar shall provide the information on the amount of damage as soon as it has been determined by an independent third party (expert, workshop)
- Europcar informs you of the amount of the damage as soon as it has been determined by an independent third party (expert, workshop)
- Vehicle repair
- Offsetting deductible or amount of damage
- Agreed deductible according to the lease and completed protection package.
- Settlement of the full amount of the damage, if either no protection package was booked, or an exceptional situation in the sense of the Europcar terms and conditions exist (see details of the general terms and conditions under point 10.1)
- Or no set-off if you have chosen the Premium Protection Package and no exceptional situations in the sense of the Europcar Terms and Conditions apply (see details of the Terms and Conditions under point 10).
- Adaptation in our damage database
In the event of damage caused by an opponent, Europcar will take out insurance in addition to the above procedures and documents.